Monday, 2 January 2017

Just trying to Survive

Happy New Year folks, I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas. Its hard to believe that its all over, all the planning, money spent, food ate, alcohol consumed, and most of all time spent with those that we love the most. Now that its all over and the New Year is here, its time for that New Year, New Me, everyone is on a diet, everyone has joined he gym, everyone is off the drink?? etc etc. We know what I mean, its the same ould same every year, and fair play to those that actually do have the strength and the will power to do it. Me, personally I'm just trying to survive and if that means I need a drink after a hard days work, or a bar of chocolate to help me through those depressing Mondays than so be it. I think sometimes we can put a little too much pressure on ourselves to achieve all of these "goals" when life itself is hard enough. Yes of course after Xmas our bodies are probably giving us the hint to "slow down" or "give its a rest" and so we should, but I for one am not about depraving myself of the finer things in life. All in moderation is the way forward

It was a tough Christmas for me, work was hectic and of course I launched an online store right at the busiest time of year (I must be insane). I've been finding my feet with it all, while working full time at the craziest time of year. I've had little to no spare time for friends, family and even just for myself. If I had to make any resolution (and normally I make NO new years resolutions) going into the New Year it would be to enjoy my life more, prioritise the people that matter to me, and to try and be a happier person. I'm not saying that I'm not happy, all I am saying is that it can be hard to be happy in this world nowadays. With all of the craziness going on around us, it can be difficult to stay positive and to stay happy. Life can be tricky and our minds can be complicated things. I found it very hard to fit everything in lately, the friends, family, work, the blog, the store and I probably spent too much time on the things that didn't matter the most to me. But I'm trying to not be too hard myself, I'm surviving like anyone else and I'm trying my best. So going into the New Year my aim is to let go of what doesn't make me happy anymore, to work hard at trying to be a better person,  and to enjoy myself as much as is humanly possible. I genuinely hope that each and everyone one of you have a very happy year ahead xx

Luv Lisa xx