Friday, 11 November 2016

Blogging - The Reality

Okay so I've debated writing about this for such a long time, and for many different reasons.
1. I don't want it to come across as negative.
2. Its not my aim to target or make anyone feel bad
3. I am not doing this to be controversial
I've sat down to write about this so many times, but I've stopped myself because I am unsure of how it will come across, and I don't want it to seem like an attack on anyone. I am pro empowering others and especially other women, however I cannot stand by any longer and not say what I'm feeling

Over the last year I have learned so much about social media, and a little bit about the in's and out's of  the blogging world. Now I would be deemed as minuscule in the whole blogging circle and honestly I'm quiet happy to stay that way, because to me, it means I get to be myself. There are lots of different types of bloggers, those that enjoy it as a hobby, those that want to become the next "influencer", and then there are those that have made a living from it. I love to follow the what I call "normal" girls, the girls that enjoy it as a hobby, mainly because you can see their passion and love for it. They don't make money from it, or crave likes/followers, its all a bit of fun for them and they genuinely appreciate any opportunity that comes their way. I'm not one for the "influencer" type and again its nothing personal, its just not for me. I understand that some make a living from it, and it has become their day job, but sometimes I just feel that (and I'm not saying all) can come across disconnected from reality,  from us normal folk and it can all seem a little ungenuine (if thats even a word :))

Some of the issues that have been on my mind are as follows

Products that are endorsed, showing amazing results when its quiet clear that filters are being used. What I mean by this, is promoting a skincare brand and saying it has made a difference in your skin (after one use) when your actually using a filter or beauty app to achieve that "youthful glow"
The "OMG" I can't believe I've been sent this, when these girls are quiet clearly signed up to a PR company and in return are receiving products from brands because of the PR company.
Same again with events, the "I'm so busy having to go to all these events" when alot of companies ask bloggers to sign up to their PR emails so they can invite you, normally a generic email is sent out to 100's of people, so really its not as big as it is made out to be.
I've seen bloggers take other girls ideas and blog posts and use them as their own, all because they have seen it work well for someone else, so they decide to do the same thing. I know there is always going to be an element of a cross over, that is inevitable, especially when alot of people are talking about a new launch or brand.
I've personally received messages from other bloggers asking me to share their page on my mine, harmless enough so it seems but its all because they want more followers, of course we all want to grow but it takes balls to approach someone you have never meet and ask something like that.
Recently I spoke to a mother at an event and her daughter was 13, her daughter wanted to purchase some of the products I had mentioned on snapchat. Now to be be fair I was honest in the fact that I do use the products and love them, but it made me feel really uneasy and sad. I'm a 35 year old woman and a 13 year old girl is listening to what I have to say, therefore I do feel a duty to be conscious of what I say and do. It can be easier than you think to influence another and especially a young girl, so it scares me that people are being fed lies by some. The world isn't made up of Makeup, Designer Clothes, Lattes and Fashion. Life is much more difficult than that.
There is alot of talk about anxiety and depression and YES it is fantastic that girls are creating awareness about it, but I do feel that there is an element of people jumping on the bandwagon just to get engagement on their pages. Its a very serious topic, and I was chatting to a friend about it the other day, she told me that she read an article in the Independent. It said that anxiety/depression medication has risen, and alot of this is down to the fact that people "think" they have it. They are listening to so many bloggers talk about it, that they believe they must be going through he same thing. Again I want to point out that I think its fantastic people are being so open about this but please please remember that someone out there it listening to every word you say.

Its a very competitive industry and I know that life can be in general, but I'm not willing to sell my "soul to the devil" so to speak to get ahead, I'd rather do it on my own merit. It saddens me that someone might feel their worth is measured by the 'amount of followers" they have, I don't even like the word followers to be honest, it suggests that you feel important. Yes I know it might sound hypocritical because I have a blog, but I have never charged for anything I have ever done, yes I have received some lovely gifts as a thank you, and I have appreciated each and every thing I have ever gotten. I suppose what I am trying to convey is a sadness I feel when I see people being taken advantage of. It makes me angry when I see people lie for profit and disappointment that fellow woman are willing to step on each other to get ahead

I just want to send a message to any young girl that follows any bloggers.Some bloggers have alot of money, money inherited and money earned. To go out and purchase a designer handbag is nothing to them, they live a different life, and one that is not always as pretty as it is portrayed. Please look up to the normal women around you, your mother/grandmother/aunt/cousin/friend. Someone that works hard in life to have what they have. Someone that is rich with LOVE and not possessions. Try to be the best version of you that you can be and please don't get sucked into a world that isn't real.

I hope I got my message across without sounding too negative and I'd love to hear your thoughts on the subject. A massive thanks to Its all G Blog for letting me run this by her, as I was nervous on how it might sound. Also to Alannah @Banana Beauty, Karina @Bee Amazing Nails, Grace @Gracie Loves, Denise @Holy Chic and Brid @Biddynail's blog, all girls I admire and that keep me grounded xx


  1. Thanks Rachel, very much appreciated

  2. Omg have never read truer words�� i feel it's gotten to a stage where some of those "big" bloggers come across as a bit intimidating I actually recently had to delete one from snapchat watching her rave on constantly about her designer shoes, bags, clothes, exotic holidays near enough every week, mansion apartment, rock engagement ring etc was beginning to make me feel bad about my normal everyday life. Give me a real blogger any day afterall a blog is meant to be informative not a place to be all me, me, me those type shold be called braggers instead of bloggers!!

  3. Thank you Lisa for your openness and honestly. I LOVE you and your beautiful family. They are what is most important! xoxox Karen (aka blissbakery)
