The 80s were no doubt a challenging time in Ireland for most families. We didn't have much but we had alot when I think back. I had a very happy upbringing and very fond memories to look back on. I'm sure most of you can relate and have had the same experiences. Here are a few that make me smile
We always had a very strict bedtime. 9 o clock on the dot in our house. Sunday night straight after Glenroe. I still hate that theme tune to this day because it only meant 1 thing and that was bedtime.
Taping songs off the radio. The anxious wait for the d.j to shut up so you could press play and record at the same time. How cool you felt with your little mixed tape of badly taped songs
The bicycle shorts and bright colours. The crazy patterned loud jumpers. The dungarees etc... it really was the most fashionable of times *sarcasam
Dinner in our house was at 1 or 2pm and the evening was supper time. We always had dessert too after dinner, vienetta, angel delight, a spot of trifle or a bit of Swiss roll. When did we start having dinner in the evenings in this country?
Going to the shop
What a treat it was to go to the shop. With your 10/20 pence you begged your parents for..we got so much for it too. Imagine we actually had crisps for 5p
Was just brilliant. Cartoons, movies, tv shows just seemed better. We loved the WWF. We had to watch it in my aunts because we didn't have the channels in our house. I loved the Undertaker and Bret the hitman heart
The good sitting room
Again we didn't have much but most people had 2 sitting rooms and the "good sitting room" was only entered by guests. All the little trinkets on display in what I can only call a massive cabinet that almost filled the whole room
We had so many games that we played. Tip the can, rounders. We could play for hours and never get bored and it was almost always outside until we got called in by our mam shouting our name out through the doorway 😅
It definitely felt like more simpliar times. I wish my kids have half the great memories I have from my childhood
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