Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Let's get Real

The blog world is a strange but wonderful place, full of aspiring and inspirational people with words of wisdom.

It was a few years ago when myself and a friend were going to set up a blog , we had a name picked, email set up and it all pretty much planned out but it never came to pass and it has been something I have thought about every now and again since. It can a scary thing to put yourself out there, your opinions and thoughts on things. especially if your like me. I have a tendency to worry and overthink everything and as much as we all would like to say that we don't care about what people think, we do really!! People often say to me that I can come across very confident but as a matter of fact it can be quiet the opposite. However whenever I put my mind to something I put my everything into it and I don't like to let people down. So on that note I wanted to give you guys a bit of an insight into my experience so far.

So on a Saturday a few weeks ago I set up my Facebook page Luv Lisaxx, added content and photos etc but was afraid to make it public as I was doubting my decision. I think the only reason I had even set it up was because I had a few drinks (at home) and was feeling a little brave. The next day while texting my friend I mentioned what I had done and she encouraged me to launch or make the page public. So for some reason I took her advice and did it. Literally 5 mins later I regretted my decision after I had invited my friends list from my personal Facebook page. Doubt was quickly setting in, thoughts like "who would want to even like this page" Then notifications starting coming through and I was literally amazed that anyone at all had accepted or liked it. I genuinely was excited that anybody and I mean anybody thought that this was something they wanted to look at or read. Now I'm not claiming to be an expert in anything which would lead to the question Why? I work full time and when I get home there is a house full of boys watching boys tv and doing boy things etc so I wanted a little hobby for myself. I didn't set it up to make a living or any sort of income and when I mention to people I have a blog (not that I go around saying that to everybody I cringe a little
and then comes the question. A blog about what.? It's not like I'm an MUA or stylist so I just sheepishly say "oh about this and that"

When you think about it anybody can have a Facebook page or blog about "this and that" or as most people call it a "Lifestyle" blog. We all read, listen to celeb gossip, scroll through Pinterest or Instagram, so a lot of what is online is a repeat of a repeat of a repeat. There are ALOT of blog Facebook pages out there with thousands of fans and too right these girls have a craft or trade they
are talking about that people can learn from. Everyday I think "what can I do different" or talk about and I have come to a realisation that I just need to be real, I mean as real and honest as I can be without divulging every little bit of my life. I'll talk about what I know and just give my general opinion on things but mostly what I want to be is as positive as I can be and enjoy this new hobby I have.

It's very easy to read into things when you look at stats from the page and blog, for example the day I launched I had 2 people like and unlike my page. Now immediately when that happened I thought to myself oh god did I make a mistake, do people think that this is stupid? Because let's face, negativity of any sort can be hard to take. Now it does not tell you who has looked at the page or clicked on your posts but it will tell you how many people the post has reached etc. for example when I wrote the article about being pregnant over 1000 people seen it which is CRAZY, especially when I only have 180 followers. I can honestly say I am loving the challenge that I have set for myself and the support I am getting from friends and people I don't even know. So for all you ladies or guys out there that have ever thought about doing this. DO IT. Don't doubt yourself, what you have to say is as important or interesting as anybody else because we are all different and if we can have a bit of fun while we are doing it then Why not......

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