Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Working Mom

I work full time and have always done so apart from when I spent a year and a half at home with my first born Josh. Now don't laugh but I actually love my job and I've loved most of the jobs I've had throughout the years. I had studied Interior Architectural Technology in college but looking back now I was too young and didn't really know what I wanted to do. I coasted through several jobs throughout the years which was fine because I was young, living my life and work enabled me to go out and have a good time. But as I got older and started to have a family, I suddenly had this urge to have a career for myself, something that I built by myself for myself. Something that defined me as well as being a mother.

I was 25 years old when I had my first born Josh and I decided to be a stay at home Mom, now this is by far the hardest job I have ever had in my life. I didn't have many friends in the town at the time as I was a newbie, so I didn't have many people to turn too. I had some very lonely days and as much as I loved spending time with my little baby boy I needed some adult company to keep me sane. As weird as this may sound I never had anytime on my hands but I felt extremely idol all of the time. Being a Mam was by far the best thing but had ever happened to me but I wanted, even needed to go back to work for my sanity. Eventually I decided I was going to go back to work, however I wanted the job I choose to possibly lead to a career. I had worked in a small clothing shop in Cork (funnily enough called Lisa's) years ago. I had loved it and because of this I decided that Retail is was the career for me

Now when I make a decision I am very determined to follow through, especially when people tell me that I can't do something. I will always work my hardest to prove them wrong. Let me tell you that some of the women in my outer circle couldn't understand why I would want to leave my child and go back to work. What was so wrong with it? What is this "stigma" that surrounds working mothers. Of course its hard being away from your little angel/s , but I felt it made me a better mom. My time with my boy was now more precious. I worked my way up to management and then became pregnant with my second boy Logan. So when people said to me I wouldn't be able to work full time with 2 kids it annoyed me, why not? Whats so wrong with being a working mam and wanting a career. Working mothers are constantly being criticised for their choice to go into the workplace, you almost feel alienated for wanting a career. It feels like people look down on you because you have a job...because your job is to be a Mam. Well a Dad's job is to be a Dad but he isn't expected to stay at home. I have nothing against anyone that chooses to stay at home, I respect that if anything. However I wish the same respect was shown on the flip side. I'd like to think we have moved on from the way it was in the past but unfortunately we haven't in some ways.

I want my kids to grow up and be proud of their Mam, as I'm sure most kids are of their mother no matter what they do. I want them to respect that even though I am their mam, I am also my own person, that not only has dreams for my family but for myself too. I love my job and I have worked very hard over the past few years to do what I'm doing now. I  love my kids, they will always come first but I am allowed have other things in my life that I can focus on. Yes I have made sacrifices from time to time, who hasn't in any life? But my kids do not want for anything physically or emotionally. 


  1. Love reading these lisa so honest

  2. Love reading these lisa so honest

  3. Ah thanks. Trying to be as honest as I can. It's therapeutic writing them ☺
