After the wind down of Christmas I always find myself re-evaluating my life, I get like this every so often but especially in January. I think its because I have more time on my hands to think or should I say over-think. I get frustrated with myself because another year has gone by and I haven't achieved half of what I thought I would at this stage of my life, or I doubt the decisions that I have made, am in the right profession? should we have another baby? will we ever own a home? will we get to set the date this year? will I get to travel more? etc etc.... I have this streak in me to always want to achieve more or to do or be better. I'm extremely driven and this can make me restless. Do you ever feel like you have done so much in the past year but so little at the same time? Like your always busy but you haven't a clue why? Time passes by far too quickly and the older I get the less time I seem to have do what I want or have planned to do, it scares the living life out of me.
One things for sure this year, I want to make lots and lots of memories with fantastic people around me. I tend to consume myself with stupid and trivial things that never seem to matter in the end, but this year I am honestly going to try and live by the motto, "work to live". I couldn't care less if I haven't a penny to my name as long as I am spending it on what makes me and my family happy. No more putting off plans, I find myself having conversations with friends that go a little something like this "yeah I haven't seen you in ages, we may meet up soon" Soon often becomes weeks, even months later or in some cases not at all. I'm sure we are all a little guilty of that sometimes, making false promises. But NO not this year, I have already started planning nights out and trips away, memories will be made this year.
So is it just me? Does anyone else feel like this? or am I just having a serious case of the January blues? Let me know your thoughts.....
Luv Lisa xx
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