Monday, 28 March 2016

The Curse of Social Media

Social Media has become such a massive part of almost every-bodies everyday life. The constant need to be switched on, to be in the know, to share details of our lives, of how we feel, where we are, or what we are doing. In 2006 I joined Facebook having no idea how much it would influence my life. Social Media can be a gift and a curse at the same time. While its a fantastic way to express yourself, connect with people or to share special moments with relatives and friends that live elsewhere. It also can be invasive, consuming and harming, because we see a world that people want us to believe is true. A false sense of reality through rose tinted social media glasses. 

I started my blog as an escape from the stresses and pressures of everyday life, and as much as its helps me take my mind off those everyday things. I also didn't realise how much added stress it would bring me. I was recently asked what I felt was the negative side to blogging/facebook and snapchat? Well if I'm completely honest it can be very time consuming but worst of all it can totally consume you. I can very easily become addicted to whats going on in everybody else's life, so addicted  that at times I forget to enjoy my own. Busy building connections and friendships that I can tend to forget about my real friends and family. On so many occasions I've often said to myself " I'll pop on now for 5 minutes" (to snapchat or Facebook) and over an hour later I'm watching " the story" of someone I've never met, someone swinging their child on the swing, or showing me what they bought that day. All of a sudden the evening is over, my own kids are ready for bed and I've barely looked up from the screen of my phone or computer. I find myself zoning out alot of the time, my partner could ask me something and I either (a) don't answer because I was in my "social media" world or (b) I say "YA" but I haven't a clue what he has even said to me. Hey, but at least I know whats going on in Sammy/Mary/Janes life....My phone is literally never out of my hand, aside from when I'm at work for fear that I miss a notification, a message or something important on it. A message.. which could be just someone asking me where I got the lipstick I have on? A notification that someone has liked my photo...When you honestly think about it, its completely ridiculous. Its like the constant need to feel important, that someone else validates a quote you think is funny, or a dress you think is cute. 

At the start I really enjoyed watching my page/ snapchat and blog grow, but when something grows you have to maintain interest and with extra followers comes extra pressure to perform. I often think that if someone has taken the interest to follow me that I owe them by keeping them entertained. Maybe that sounds stupid and I am bringing the pressure on myself but in a world full of bloggers and social media gurus its hard to stay ahead of the game, to be original.  Blogging has become a tough gig, there is so many people out there doing the same thing. Somedays I feel like I'm in school and its like a popularity contest. A shoutout here and a shoutout there, go follow her, follow him, buy this, do that, we are all trying to get our opinions heard. But how far does it go, how big can you get. She has more likes than her, he has more likes then him. LIKES can be bought. You can actually buy popularity, imagine that....

I think I have just had one of those weeks, a week were I'm questioning everything and re-evaluating my life. Why do I have this urge to be switched on at all time, no one has asked me to be. I cannot really explain it, maybe I just need to manage my time better, put my phone down and look up, look into the faces of my kids. Sit with my friends, have a chat and a cup of tea. I'm not saying I will give it all up, I don't know if I even could and thats the scary part. Don't get me wrong I really enjoy certain elements of it but I need to organise myself better and cut down my time spent online. I know I'm not alone feeling like this, some of my other blogger friends have also felt the strain on their personal lives. Maybe I've hit a wall and I'll be on top of the world again next week, after all I am a girl. 

To end on a positive note, I have been nominated in 3 categories for The Irish Bloggers Association Awards so I do want to say a massive thank you to everyone who voted for me, and for all of your Congrats and Well Wishes. I honestly appreciate everyones love and support over the last few months, I would have quit along time ago only for you all xx


  1. Great post Lisa. Very honest x

  2. Thanks Grace, it can be a little overwhelming at times x
