Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Body Image

I've been thinking alot lately about beauty/body image and how hard it must be to be a young girl these days. Especially growing up in the world we now live in, it's hard enough being a teenager without the constant focus on how we should look. The endless beautiful celebs, magazines, tv, social media highlighting these beautiful women making us ordinary people feel ever so insignificant and basic. It seriously frustrates me that we have become a society that generally looks up to a person for their beauty and not their achievements. Young girls idolising celebs/models/reality stars, comparing themselves to them which is totally unrealistic because these people do not have a normal lives. Who gets out of bed in the morning and has instant access to a make up artist and a hairdresser waiting in the wings. Some of these influential celebs have nothing of any substance to say, they can be just a walking product. They make young girls feel that surgery is the only option or dieting is a must for the perfect figure. What is the perfect figure anyway? Where is the definition of what is beautiful?

I'm like every other girl that I know, I can tell you a million things I don't like about  how I look. I have days were I wish mirrors didn't exist. Yes I am a "skinny minnie" to say the least and I constantly get told how lucky I am to be the size that I am (especially with my unhealthy ways). To be honest I know I am very lucky, I really am... but that doesn't stop me picking apart my flaws and finding myself disappointed I wasn't gifted with better skin or nicer hair for example. It's ridiculous I know and totally materialistic and I actually get angry with myself for not just being happy with who I am. I often wonder why I think like this, why do these things matter to me? I'm not really sure to be honest, have we been brainwashed into caring about our looks so much that it can be all that seems to matter sometimes? In reality I would rather be a nice person than a supermodel (not saying supermodels aren't nice people) and the older I get the more at peace I have become with how I look.

I am happy I have 2 boys because I would be very worried about what kind of world my daughter would be growing up in. Not saying that boys don't have these pressures I just think that girls have
that little bit extra. Such a constant focus is put on weight that girls are starving themselves or making themselves sick. Some sittimg at home flicking through social media, self loathing in turn leading to depression. I urge every young girl and woman to be inspired by on loving yourself for who you are. We might not always like what we have got but it's what we've  got so make the most of it. Tell your friends that they are beautiful, tell a stranger even but most importantly tell yourself

Luv lisa xx

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