Wednesday, 30 September 2015

You only get what you give

When your child is born it suddenly becomes the most perfect and proudest thing you have ever achieved in your life. It is an undescribable love that you never even knew you had in you,  and all you can hope for is that your child will be happy and healthy. Not all of us are as lucky and the road  isn't always as straight and narrow for some. It's not until something personally happens to you or a family member that we really understand the hardship or sorrow some families endure everyday.This of course is understandable because if something doesn't effect to our lives then why would we really need to have awareness of it.

No matter were I've worked I've always got involved in whatever charity the company works with. 
The company I currently work for does alot of work with Enable Ireland (supporting children with disabilities). Reflecting on some of the fundraising we have done recently I've really got thinking and even though I always give to whatever charity is having a collection I never really give it a second thought after donating a few euro. A lady (who shall remain unnamed) whose son avails of the charity we fundraise for told me the story of her sons journey and I don't know why but I always blindly assumed that children were born with disabilities. As a mum I arrogantly thought that once my child came out with 10 fingers and 10 toes that was it, everything would pretty much be okay from here on out. But it's not always like that, tragedy can strike at any time and it is why it's important to dig a little deeper sometimes. You never know when life might through you a curveball and can you imagine depending on other people to help you. It doesn't always have to come down to money we can give our time, time doesn't cost a thing! Believe me when I say it is the most rewarding thing that you will ever do.

Again as a mother any kids charity really pulls at my heart strings and I always look at the kids envolved and admire their strength and resilience. On further thought today I realised that the true strength really comes from the parents. Imagine your child on a day that they are not well..... and now imagine that being your everyday or worse. The emotions that these parents must go through all while trying to support their child by whatever means possible, the financial burden and the stress must be huge on top of everything else. I know I would want to do whatever possible to give my child a better life and it would be hard having to rely on other peoples generosity. Many of us walk by numerous charities everyday and feel that we can't support them all and yes of course it's hard to support everything, but there is so many people relying on our generosity for these much needed funds.

As a country we tend to be extremely generous and I want my kids to grow up understanding the importance of helping those less fortunate. It will possibly be the best lesson I can ever teach them in life. 

 "Never look down on someone unless your helping them up" 

"Be kind, you get back what you give out"

Lisa xx