Tuesday, 19 January 2016


Hello everyone, hope you are all having a great week so far. So yesterday I decided to set up a new Snapchat account for my page and blog. I have my own personal one also but I would rather separate the two. Reasons being that I'm not sure if people like my boyfriend are too interested in my ramblings on make up and fashion etc. For a while now a lot of people have been asking me why I don't do more on snapchat in reference to my page. If I am being really honest it is mainly due to the fact that  1. I hate the sound of my own voice. 2. I just don't know if I am brave enough. 3. I'm don't think my life is exciting enough for someone to want to watch and 4. I look awful on camera. (its weird looking at yourself talk) But I have decided to face my fears and challenge myself, to take the leap and at least give it a go. Whats the worst that could happen, people laugh at me? well if so at least I'll be making someone smile

I love popping on Snapchat daily and checking in with what everyone is up to.  Its easy to pop on and share a picture but I must commend those that chat away like they are in a room full of friends. Thats a hard thing to do, especially when you know that there are always critics out there. But hey thats life, you can't please everyone. So I will be going completely against what I always said, when I said it would be something I would never do. It will take me time to set myself up and to feel comfortable chatting to the camera, I am very nervous about that part and I know some of you are probably thinking that that sounds ridiculous but I genuinely am petrified. Why do it then? some would wonder...I think that it is now the best form of social media, Facebook is slowly dying out and even though I love Facebook I really want to move with the times and be where "all the cool kids are" :) so to speak.


As they say "if your dreams don't scare you they aren't big enough" not that it is a dream of mine, but I'm taking the motto from it to push yourself to do what scares you the most. So I hope some of you guys can come follow me and spread the word (please be kind). All I can be is me..Thanks a million

Snapchat name: LuvLisaxx

Luv Lisa xx

Sunday, 17 January 2016

January Blues?

Hello everyone and welcome back to my page and my online ramblings :) We are half way through January (everybody's favourite month of the year) and I'm having a serious case of the January blues. I, unlike many others have decided to NOT par-take in "dry January" or any healthy living or lifestyle changes of any kind, mainly because I actually think I'd go insane if I deprived myself of what little bit of joy I have at the end of my day or working week. I'm not as strong as the rest of you and I need my guilty pleasures. But a massive well done to everyone and keep going

After the wind down of Christmas I always find myself re-evaluating my life, I get like this every so often but especially in January. I think its because I have more time on my hands to think or should I say over-think. I get frustrated with myself because another year has gone by and I haven't achieved half of what I thought I would at this stage of my life, or I doubt the decisions that I have made, am in the right profession? should we have another baby? will we ever own a home? will we get to set the date this year? will I get to travel more? etc etc.... I have this streak in me to always want to achieve more or to do or be better. I'm extremely driven and this can make me restless. Do you ever feel like you have done so much in the past year but so little at the same time? Like your always busy but you haven't a clue why? Time passes by far too quickly and the older I get the less time I seem to have do what I want or have planned to do, it scares the living life out of me. 

One things for sure this year, I want to make lots and lots of memories with fantastic people around me. I tend to consume myself with stupid and trivial things that never seem to matter in the end, but this year I am honestly going to try and live by the motto, "work to live". I couldn't care less if I haven't a penny to my name as long as I am spending it on what makes me and my family happy. No more putting off plans, I find myself having conversations with friends that go a little something like this "yeah I haven't seen you in ages, we may meet up soon" Soon often becomes weeks, even months later or in some cases not at all. I'm sure we are all a little guilty of that sometimes, making false promises. But NO not this year, I have already started planning nights out and trips away, memories will be made this year.

So is it just me? Does anyone else feel like this? or am I just having a serious case of the January blues? Let me know your thoughts.....

Luv Lisa xx

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

What the New Year means to me

Hello everyone and welcome back, I hope your January is off to a nice start. January is always that month associated with dieting and getting fit, however its also the month we all seem to be broke, are depriving ourselves of all the goodies we love and of course the dreaded January blues...Its all indulgence and live for today during December and BAM 1st of Jan and the guilt kicks in. Its seems that everywhere I go at the moment all everyone is talking about is detoxing/tea-toxing, joining the gym, eating right and new year, new me mumbo jumbo. Personally I'm still going strong and dragging out the bad behaviour for the moment, but I have that slight guilt in the back of my head and I'm thinking "oh I'd love to be a bit leaner", my skin looking better and in general to feel good and not tired all of the time. Knowing me and how stubborn I am though I will probably just stay with the bad behaviour :)

To be honest years ago I had decided to not make New Years resolutions (and by that I mean giving something up or taking something on), because I never keep them. Its something I've always been crap at, a few weeks later and I've totally forgotten all about them. Of course as I enter a new year I do wish that certain things change, and also that some things don't. Not everything has to change in your life, somethings are perfect just the way they are, as the saying goes if it ain't broke, don't fix it. However every year I always wish that I could be a better person and by that I mean, more patient, understanding, just better in general. Because I'm a natural worrier and I tend to over think or think ahead too much, bringing in the New Year always makes me anxious, another year gone, another year older and less time to achieve my goals and dreams, to see the world and to spend more time with loved ones. Its stupid I know because time will always have to pass you by but leaving a year behind can hard for some as it closes a chapter. But with every door closed a new one opens and with that it brings new adventures and new memories.

So for me, I will probably lay low for the month of January, I will continue to eat, drink and do the things I love, because I honestly believe that life is way too short to be unhappy or deprive yourself of what you want. I will however continue to blog because I love it and its good for my mind (keeps me sane). Other than that I hope to have a few adventures/nights away, see more of my friends and family and to just enjoy my life. Before we know it we will be half way through the year trying to become "bikini body ready" and living for the Summer. So I hope you all achieve your wishes and dreams for the year ahead and don't be too hard on yourself when it comes to the dieting or getting fit. do what makes you happy and once you have your health that is all that matters.

Luv Lisa xx

Sunday, 3 January 2016

Crazy Lady??

I wouldn't say that I am the easiest girlfriend to have, I'm stubborn, independent, needy at times, happy, sad, mad and all of those crazy emotions that comes with being a girl. But its hard being a woman, isn't it? I can go from 0 to 100 on the crazy thermometer in just seconds and all it can take is something very very small. Especially if I feel my rant is justified and I'm being told that I am acting crazy. Nothing worse than being told your acting crazy (then you'll see crazy). My moods can go from high to low so quick and my poor boyfriend tends to get the brunt of that sometimes, the thing is I can be very aware of how I'm acting but I just cannot help it. I blame those damn hormones. Add alcohol to the mix and we are talking a whole other level of craziness (that needs it own separate post). This is when I am at my very worst,  absolutely no reasoning with me, definitely not my proudest of moments.

I wouldn't say I am a very jealous girlfriend but Yes every now and then I can get a little jealous, I do think that it is only natural sometimes. However its a trait that I hate in myself when it does comes out (normally when I am drunk), but I'm a whole lot more relaxed now than I was a few years ago. Age has that tendency to calm you down a LITTLE bit. I can be quiet fiery and hot headed when I am angry and not the nicest of people but who isn't during an argument, however I am also the first one to break down or give in because shortly after the anger comes the tears. Of course the first thing I do after an argement (when I feel I might be acting a little unreasonable), I phone or text one of my friends, I'm sure thats something most of us girls do. You have to have that outside perspective on the situation. Someone has to let you know that you've NOT gone mad, that you ARE right, or even that your TOTALLY in the wrong and that your being totally ridiculous. Yes myself and John argue but not a massive amount though, the small bickering about daily life, cleaning, kids, money etc the same arguments I'm sure most people have, because almost everybody does. I hate those "we never argue"couples, seriously!! no one is that perfect....

I decided to write this post because I am almost sure, that I am not the only woman out there that has been called "crazy", or has felt like this at some stage of their lives. Its nice to not feel alone especially in a world filled with perceptions of perfect lifestyles and relationships. Its okay to admit your faults, to learn from them or to even accept them. So for all you "crazy ladies" out there, you are certainly not alone. I am definitely one of you, if not the leader of the pack. And as the saying goes "behind every crazy woman, is a man who made her that way".  All my Love

Luv Lisa xx