Hello everyone, hope you are all having a great week so far. So yesterday I decided to set up a new Snapchat account for my page and blog. I have my own personal one also but I would rather separate the two. Reasons being that I'm not sure if people like my boyfriend are too interested in my ramblings on make up and fashion etc. For a while now a lot of people have been asking me why I don't do more on snapchat in reference to my page. If I am being really honest it is mainly due to the fact that 1. I hate the sound of my own voice. 2. I just don't know if I am brave enough. 3. I'm don't think my life is exciting enough for someone to want to watch and 4. I look awful on camera. (its weird looking at yourself talk) But I have decided to face my fears and challenge myself, to take the leap and at least give it a go. Whats the worst that could happen, people laugh at me? well if so at least I'll be making someone smile
I love popping on Snapchat daily and checking in with what everyone is up to. Its easy to pop on and share a picture but I must commend those that chat away like they are in a room full of friends. Thats a hard thing to do, especially when you know that there are always critics out there. But hey thats life, you can't please everyone. So I will be going completely against what I always said, when I said it would be something I would never do. It will take me time to set myself up and to feel comfortable chatting to the camera, I am very nervous about that part and I know some of you are probably thinking that that sounds ridiculous but I genuinely am petrified. Why do it then? some would wonder...I think that it is now the best form of social media, Facebook is slowly dying out and even though I love Facebook I really want to move with the times and be where "all the cool kids are" :) so to speak.
As they say "if your dreams don't scare you they aren't big enough" not that it is a dream of mine, but I'm taking the motto from it to push yourself to do what scares you the most. So I hope some of you guys can come follow me and spread the word (please be kind). All I can be is me..Thanks a million
Snapchat name: LuvLisaxx
Luv Lisa xx